The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has released updated Wetland Determination Data Sheets—known as ENG Forms 6116 (1-9)—effective September 2024. If you’re submitting wetland delineations to USACE, it’s important to use these updated forms to avoid rejection or delayed review of your delineations.
We’ve combed through the updates, and surfaced some key points.
Why Did USACE Update the Forms in 2024?
The 2024 updates were made to:
- Renew the forms’ federal approval through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), extending their expiration date.
- Align the forms with the latest regulatory guidance, including:
These updates ensure the forms are current, consistent with the best available science, and valid for regulatory use.
You can find the official USACE announcement here.
Learn more: What’s New in Version 9.0 of the Field Indicators of Hydric Soils?
What Changed in the 2024 Wetland Determination Forms?
While the structure and core methodology of the forms remain largely unchanged, the 2024 updates align the forms with the latest hydric soil and wetland vegetation guidance from USDA and NRCS. Several forms have removed indicators or added new ones, particularly in the category of problematic hydric soil indicators. The Alaska form saw the highest number of additions, with seven new problematic hydric soil indicators.
For a full breakdown of indicators that were added, removed, or modified by region, see below.
Do the 2024 Updates Apply to All Regions?
Yes. USACE released updated forms for all ten regions covered by the Regional Supplements. If you’re delineating wetlands in any USACE region, you are now expected to use the 2024 versions of ENG Forms 6116 (1-9).
Why It Matters: Avoid Rejected Reports and Project Delays
Some regulatory agencies have already begun rejecting submittals that used outdated forms. Using the most current forms isn’t just best practice—it’s a requirement. Delays in approvals can mean costly project slowdowns.
How Ecobot Keeps You Compliant
When regulations change, Ecobot updates too.
- The 2024 USACE Wetland Determination Forms are already available in Ecobot.
- You’ll have the correct hydric soil indicators and updated vegetation lists based on your project’s region.
- Ecobot ensures your data is collected, stored, and reported according to the latest standards.
Hydric Soil Indicator Updates by Region
We’ve broken down which hydric soil indicators were added, removed, or changed on each 2024 regional form.
- Removed:
- Alaska Color Change (TA4)
- Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5)
- Added:
- Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11)
- Red Parent Material (F21)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22)
- Depleted Matrix (F3)
- Redox Dark Surface (F6)
- Depleted Dark Surface (F7)
- Redox Depressions (F8)
Arid West
- Removed:
- Vernal Pools (F9)
- Red Parent Material (TF2)
- Added:
- Iron Monosulfide (A18)
- Iron-Manganese Masses (F12)
- Red Parent Material (F21)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22)
Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plain
- Removed:
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12)
- Red Parent Material (TF2)
- Added:
- Iron Monosulfide (A18)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22)
- Barrier Islands 1 cm Muck (S12)
- Coast Prairie Redox (A16)
- Red Parent Material (F21)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22)
Caribbean Islands
- Removed:
- Problematic Soil: Other (Explain in Remarks)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12)
- Added:
- Iron Monosulfide (A18)
- Red Parent Material (F21)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22)
Eastern Mountains Piedmont
- Removed:
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12)
- Added:
- Iron Monosulfide (A18)
- Loamy Mucky Mineral (F1)
- Red Parent Material (F21)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22)
Great Plains
- Removed:
- Coast Prairie Redox (A16)
- Dark Surface (S7)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12)
- Red Parent Material (TF2)
- Added:
- Iron Monosulfide (A18)
- Red Parent Material (F21)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22)
Hawaii and Pacific Islands
- Modified:
- Sandy Mucky Mineral (S1) went from Problematic to plain Hydric Soil Indicator list
- Removed:
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12)
- Added:
- Stripped Matrix (S6)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22)
- Modified:
- Dark Surface (S7) went from Problematic to plain Hydric Soil Indicator list
- Removed:
- Coast Prairie Redox (A16)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12)
- Added:
- Iron Monosulfide (A18)
- Red Parent Material (F21)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22)
Northcentral and Northeast
- Modified:
- Red Parent Material (F21) went from Problematic to plain Hydric Soil Indicator list
- Removed:
- Coast Prairie Redox (A16)
- Dark Surface (S7) (from Problematic Hydric Soil Indicators only; remains under Hydric Soil Indicators. Previously appeared in both lists.)
- Mesic Spodic (TA6)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12)
- Added:
- Mesic Spodic (A17)
- Iron Monosulfide (A18)
- Marl (F10)
- High Chroma Sands (S11)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22)
Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast
- Removed:
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (TF12)
- Red Parent Material (TF2)
- Added:
- Iron Monosulfide (A18)
- 1 cm Muck (A9)
- 2.5 cm Mucky Peat or Peat (S2)
- Iron-Manganese Masses (F12)
- Red Parent Material (F21)
- Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22)
Curious about the full list of indicators on each form? Explore the SEP 2024 Wetland Determination Forms in Ecobot Collector. Sign up to use Ecobot for free.